Jacob had his 9 month birthday on Saturday and I thought I'd share a few of his "milestones". We had his checkup today with the pediatrician and he is doing wonderful! He is now in the 50% for weight, 20 lbs 4 0z, 45% for height, and 85% for head circumference. So it looks like our big newborn is now leveling out with the rest of the pack. He wears size 12-18 month clothes, though, so I still think he is a little big for his age!
He is now crawling (quickly and everywhere), pulling up to stand, balancing for a few seconds hands free, cruising around tables and chairs, holding his own bottle or sippy cup, drinking out of Mom and Dad's water glass, feeding himself small bites of food, riding in the stroller sitting up without the carseat attachment, sleeping through the night, napping twice a day, getting all four top teeth in at once, learning to say "Mama", "Dada", "Hi", "Dog", "Uh oh", throwing a ball, and being a sweet, laughing, cuddly, giggly little boy!
His "favorite things" are: his family, tickle time, dogs, playing rough with his toys (likes to bang and throw them), tumping over Shiska's water bowl, going on walks to the park, bathtime, eating avocados (he has eaten a half of one before, we have to make him stop!), greens puffs (he recognizes the container and gets very excited), peek-a-boo, Itsy Bitsy Spider song, and I could probably go on forever but I'll stop right there!
His "dislikes" are: green beans (only food he doesn't want to eat), getting his diaper changed (squirmy!), 6:30-7:30 pm are fussy hours before bedtime, changing clothes (wiggle worm!), but he is generally happy!
Now that he is just over 9 months old I can't help but think he has been alive in the "outside world" longer than the "inside world" of the womb. . .and he is growing up so fast. . .and we have so much to look forward to!
Happy 9 month birthday to Jacob, and Happy Birthday to his Uncle Reed that he was named after, he would be 28 years old today!