Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Just a couple quick pics from this morning. I always mean to post on here more, but when Jacob is home it's hard because I just want to spend time with him!

So he has been pulling up on things for a while now, but he just started crusing on them. He walked around the coffee table yesterday, and this morning he made his way around the rocking chair. He likes to pull up on it and make it rock back and forth --- everything is a toy to him!

Mom and Dad brought Reed's furniture over this weekend and we found some toy balls in one of the drawers. Jacob loves the raquetball and we played catch for about 20 minutes yesterday and this morning. Sometimes he only throws it 5 inches, but sometimes he throws it 5 feet! He's got skills for an 8 month old!!!

Mr. Manners

These pictures are from this weekend, and they just make me laugh because one day I wonder if he's not going to be so "good". In the first one he's eating BROCCOLI, which supposedly kids don't like, but he practically pulled off our dinner plates! It was steamed and we gave him a whole floret to munch on and he just loved it! The picture cracks me up, he has a broccoli beard and is doing this hand motion like "Yeah, I like broccoli, so what?!"

Then Adam was sweeping the floors and laid the broom down for a second and Jacob crawled over and tried to copy him. Such a helpful little boy! Already learning to do his chores around the house!

So, if he ever gets bigger and claims he doesn't want to eat his vegetables, or doesn't like helping clean up around the house. . .we have proof he does! Ha ha!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

He's Crawling!

Lookout house, Jacob is on the loose! He started this time last week with a few quick crawls --- one, two, three and then he'd sit back down. Now he is zooming around the house and getting into everything! He's in the playpen in my office right now, but that seems to have about a 10 minute time limit and then he wants out. We have decided he is going to grow up tough since he's gonna learn to crawl and walk on this tile floor. Poor guy already has two bruises on his forehead from faceplanting, and that's not counting the other 101 times I caught him before he fell. Here is a quick video from yesterday of him chasing some of his new toys.

* I also posted some pics from when we were working in the yard a few posts ago. Thanks to all this rain it is looking great and we hope to plant the garden this weekend!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Jacob and I took a walk to the park yesterday morning and we decided the baby swings looked pretty fun and we should try them out! He sat up, grabbed on to the chain, and laughed and laughed as I pushed him. He is such a happy and playful baby, he's always up for anything! We had so much fun that we took a second trip to the park with Meems and PawPaw later that afternoon. Here are some pics from that trip, and a hilarious video of Jacob swinging and "crashing" into PawPaw! He just has the cutest laugh I have ever heard in my life!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Workin' hard in the Yard

Well we had a BUSY weekend of yardwork and we are making some good progress! Thanks to the grandparents for coming over to help out!!! We spent Sat tilling up the front and back and are now left with some nice, soft dirt to lay sod on tomorrow. So we will have REAL GRASS not just spotty weeds and dead patches, YES!!!!! Sunday we headed over to Lowe's and got stocked up on our gardening supplies. We're going to plant a garden in the back and I have my peppers, okra, squash, and herbs all ready to go! I got all the weeds pulled in the front flowerbeds (yes, it hurts to type, my hands are sore!) and some pretty flowers planted in pots. Adam laid some PVC underground while the earth is all tilled up, so we'll have a sprinkler system for the garden. Ah, springtime. Glad we got to get outside and enjoy it! Jacob did good in his playpen for about 45 minutes at a time, and Nana was able to entertain him once they came over. Hopefully I'll be able to post some pics this weekend of him playing on the new lawn!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Weekend

Friday afternoon Jacob and I went on a walk around the neighborhood and stopped to take some pictuers at the park. The grass was covered with little yellow flowers and it was so pretty! He loves to pull up leaves of grass and then watch them fall through his fingers and blow away.

Saturday we went over to Meems and PawPaw's house to visit with them and Grandma Lucita. The doll in the picture is Sally, who was my Mom's baby doll, and then my brother and I played with her, and now she is Jacob's new friend. He likes to pat her on the head and give her hugs and kisses. I'll have to post the picture of me sitting next to her when I was a baby, it's pretty funny!

On Easter Sunday we all went over to Didi and Dida's house (Adam's grandparents) for lunch with the family. We all had a nice visit and then the weather cleared off some so we could take a few pictures outside. Jacob had fun playing on the pallet Nana made him, with his eggs and new toys in his Easter basket.