Happy 1st Birthday to Jacob !!!
We had a wonderful day on Sunday celebrating Jacob and his first year --- wow has it flown by! We started the day with a long walk and stops at two playgrounds here in the neighborhood for some swinging and climbing. We ran into our friends Laura and her little girl Ella who is 15 months and Jacob walked up to her and gave her a sweet little hug and then a tap on the nose and giggled at her! Little flirt! Then we headed home to get a bath and lunch and a nap before the party.
We were lucky to have lots of family come over to help us celebrate and he is STILL finding new presents to play with two days later!!! Thank you to everyone who made it and especially to those who came from out of town! So far it seems like his favorites are his ball pit, toy lawnmower, rainbow basketball, giant stuffed tiger, and maracas. One funny moment while we were setting things up was when I aked Adam, "Hey babe, can you get the tiger out of the garage?" Ummmmmmm. . .never thought I would ever say THAT sentence, but we actually had a tiger in a box being stored in the garage so Jacob wouldn't see it before his birthday. Ha!
He got to have sugar for the first time and I made him a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and some vanilla ice cream. He stuck his fingers in the cake while we were still singing "Happy Birthday" and once he got a lick, he wanted more! He grabbed his piece with both hands and took a big CHOMP out of it and said MMMMMMMMMMMMM ha ha ha ha! By the time he was done it was all over the place and his hair was literally "caked" with frosting and standing straight up!
We had a great day and it really went by fast, just like this whole year has! One year ago today we were just walking in the front door about this time with our sweet little baby. . .
We had his check up today and he is now at 21 lbs 12 oz and 29" long. He seems big to me, but apparently that is only in the 35% for weight and 25% for length. I guess our super-size newborn is now on the other end of the growth chart! He is SO ACTIVE and SO STRONG I think he could make a baby workout video. . .if there were such a thing. . .ha ha ha :) Overall, he is 100% healthy and happy!